195 Church Street, 13th Floor, New Haven, CT 06510
Phone: 203.821.2000 | Fax: 203.821.2009
Practice Areas
- CT State Community College Naugatuck Valley, A.S.
Sarah Katz Pierce is a certified paralegal with more than eight years of experience in the practice area of bankruptcy and creditors’ rights. Sarah earned her associate degree from CT State Community College Naugatuck Valley, where she also studied for her paralegal certification. From 2015 to this year, she worked with the firm of Grafstein & Arcaro, LLC in New Britain, Connecticut.
Her parents served as career role models, practicing law and offering her the chance to work for them while she was growing up in New Haven. Her choice to follow their example to help others through legal work has made her happy, though she has veered away from the model that she experienced in her youth as both mother and father were solo practitioners until her mother’s retirement. The chance to work in a larger firm with a team of attorneys and fellow paralegals was one of the reasons she was attracted to employment with Neubert, Pepe & Monteith, P.C. She also values the opportunity to expand her skills in new practice areas in a workplace she describes as “caring and welcoming.”
Sarah lives in Newington with her husband and two children as well as a pair of cats. As a foodie, she is thrilled to work in New Haven and, when home, enjoys cooking and baking. Her family takes game night seriously with a highly competitive approach to board and video games.